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Creative Close Encounters with or without a Macro Lens

[ Kamis, 18 Februari 2010 | 0 komentar ]

Understanding Close-up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with or without a Macro Lens
by Bryan Peterson dan simar
Amphoto Books | 2009 | ISBN: 0817427198 | 160 pgs | DJVU/PDF | 21,4 Mb/39,26 Mb

In Understanding Close-up Photography Bryan Peterson turns his attention to a topic that is an ongoing favorite with photographers. But where most macro photography books focus on capuring subjects in nature, Peterson promises to go beyond, teaching you to photograph a range of subjects from animals and plants from the garden, beach, or mountains to objects found in the kitchen, supermarket, even the junkyard. In addition to information on equipment, exposure, light, and composition, his book will feature elements of technique that go beyond the norm, teaching you to shoot not just what is generally considered close-up, but to go even closer to the point of abstraction. He will also show you how to produce the intimacy of a close-up within a larger shot–how to capture the look in your subject’s eyes without compromising the clarity of the surrounding scene. And as always, Peterson offers his signature touch with his personal terminology: in what he likes to call “Pop Junk” he shows how combining creativity with the right digital technology can turn close-up photos of the most ordinary objects into surprising pieces of art.

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Other book by Bryan Peterson
[code]Learn to See Creatively: Design, Color, and Composition in Photography
Amphoto | ISBN 0-8174-4181-6 | 160 pages | DJVU | 46.5 MB

Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital Camera
Amphoto | ISBN 0-8174-6300-3 | 155 pages | DJVU | 26.3 MB

Buku Mewarnai Dua Bahasa untuk Anak

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maryadi My First Big Book, Animals, Macam-macam Binatang (Dua Bahasa)
ISBN 978-979-793-318-0
Penerbit : PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema
Cetakan I: Januari 2008

My First Big Book, Good Habits, Kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang baik (Dua Bahasa)
ISBN 978-979-793-321-0
Penerbit : PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema
Cetakan I: Januari 2008

My First Big Book, Thins I Should Know, Hal Yang Perlu Kuketahui (Dua
ISBN 978-979-793-317-3
Penerbit : PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema
Cetakan I: Januari 2008

My First Big Book, Plants, Aneka Rupa Tumbuhan (Dua Bahasa)
ISBN 978-602-809-688-1
Penerbit : PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema
Cetakan I: April 2008

My First Big Book, Things Around Me, Benda-benda di Sekitar Kita (Dua
ISBN 978-602-809-683-0
Penerbit : PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema
Cetakan I: April 2008

Risalah Tentang Metode

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Risalah Tentang Metode
judul asli: Le Discours de la Methode
pengarang: Rene Descartes
penerjemah: Ida Sundari Husen dan Rahayu S. Hidayat
pengantar: Dr. Toetti Haraty Noerhadi
penerbit: Gramedia
tahun terbit: 1995
fisik buku: xviii + 89 halaman; 21 cm
ISBN 979-005-202-4

Banyak sebutan disandang oleh Rene Descartes. Dia adalah pencetus fisika matematis, penemu geometri analitis, dan tokoh penting dalam optik, maupun fisiologi, disamping ketenarannya sebagai matematikawan, dan filsuf.
Dalam dunia filsafat, dia disebut sebagai Bapak Filsafat Modern. Dialah membunyikan lonceng babak baru dalam metode berfilsafat, setelah gerakan pemiliran Abad pertengahan dan Renaissance sudah begitu jenuh. Melalui kesangsian metodisnya, ia menemukan suatu landasan filsafat yang tidak dapat diragukan: Cognito, ergo sum, dan dengan ini ia menegaskan subyek sebagai kesadaran.
Buku kecil ini membawa kita masuk ke dalam pergulatan intelektual pemilir besar dunia itu. Di sini kita menemukan pemaparannya mengenai metode tersebut.

Data sbook
scan: color, 200 dpi, jpeg saved 85%
editing: beberapa image, jpeg saved 85%-100%
djvu: 200 dpi, kompresi photo (cover) dan scanned (isi)

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Tête à Tête: Portraits2

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by Henri Cartier-Bresson
Thames & Hudson | 1998 | ISBN 0821225626 | 144 pages | djvu | 10 MB

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Tête à Tête contains the photographer’s portraits of some of the most potent icons of the latter half of the 20th century. The book is understated, yet powerful and challenging–a masterpiece of the photographer’s art of composition and expression. Presented in nonchronological order, yet arranged to provide links and parallels in posture and facial likenesses, familiar icons easily mix with anonymous subjects: a very young Truman Capote in crumpled T-shirt, on the brink of literary fame; a very old Colette, who retains her inquisitorial gaze; Matisse with his birds; Sartre with his pipe; Igor Stravinsky, astonishingly similar in 1946 and 1967; a beaming Che Guevara. There are also group portraits of unknowns, but none the less resonant for that: besuited men in 1950s Iran, tribespeople from Kashmir, prostitutes in Mexico, the women of southern Spain, dressed eternally in black. As the art historian E.H. Gombrich comments in his introduction to Tête à Tête, in these portraits Cartier-Bresson moved significantly away from the received techniques of the “society” photographer. Instead, he “always preferred to lie in wait for the telling moment.

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Pohon Tanpa Akar

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judul asli: Tree Without Roots
pengarang: Syed Waliullah
penerjemah: M. Amir Sutaarga
pengantar: Sapardi Djoko Damono
penerbit: Yayasan Obor Indonesia (YOI)
tahun terbit: Mei 1990
tebal: xiv + 230 halaman
ukuran buku: 11 x 17 cm
ISBN 979-461-063-1

Kemiskinan adalah gejala sosial yang sangat potensial untuk melahirkan berbagai bentuk keberingasan sosial dan perilaku saling membunuh. Terlebih lagi jika dimatangkan oleh padatnya penduduk, kurang tersedianya lahan yang subur untuk menyuapi mulut mereka, serta bencana alam.

Namun, di lain pihak, keadaan seperti itu juga sering mendorong manusia untuk melarikan diri ke bidang agama, sampai taraf kecanduan atau fanatik. Majid, tokoh utama novel ini, justru memanfaatkan “kelemahan massa” ini untuk kepentingan pribadinya. Apa yang terjadi kemudian? Silahkan simak sendiri novel yang amat memikat ini, yang ditulis oleh penulis Bangladesh terkemuka, Syed Wiliullah.

Pohon Tanpa Akar, suatu cermin yang amat jelas memantulkan wajah-wajah manusia yang dilanda penderitaan dan kesengsaraan.

Data sbook:
scan: color, 200 dpi, jpeg saved 80%
editing: beberapa image, jpeg saved 85%-100%
djvu: 200 dpi, kompresi photo (cover) dan scanned (isi)

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